Environment Performance Index (EPI) 2020
EPI is a biennial index prepared by Yale university and Columbia university in collaboration with World economic forum. It offers a scorecard that highlights leaders and laggards in environmental performance and provides practical guidance for countries that aspire to move towards a sustainable future. The index was first published in 2002 designed to supplement the environmental targets set forth in the UN Millennium development goals. The index considered 32 indicators of environmental performance and included 10 years trends in environmental performance at the national and global levels.
objectives of EPI :

Recently released report in the 12th edition of EPI 2020 , India secured 168th countries out of 180 countries in the world with the score of 27.6/100. Last time in 2018 India ranked 177th rank with score 30.57/100 . Top ranked is Denmark with Score 82.5/100. India scored below the south Asian score except the Afghanistan. India needs to re-double national sustainability efforts on all the fronts, according to the index. The country has to focus on wide spectrum of sustainability issues, with a high priority to critical issues such as air and water quality, biodiversity and climate change. India scored below the regional average score on all five key parameters on environmental health, including air quality, sanitation and drinking waters, heavy metals and waste management. It also scored below the regional average on parameters related to biodiversity and ecosystem services too.
India was at second position after Pakistan on climate change among the south Asian countries. We slipped on climate related parameters in a 10 year comparison progress. There are 8 indicators that assessed the performance of climate change. Such as adjusted emission growth rates, composed of growth rates of four greenhouse gases and one air pollutant, growth rate in CO2 emissions from land cover, and green house gas emissions per capita. The report indicates that black carbon, carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions per capita increased in 10 years. It has overall score under climate change has slipped to 2.9points.
These findings resonated with the concern raised by the state of India’s environment 2020.in figures published by the centre for science and environment. Solution lies in sustainable use of natural resources, green growth, good governance, real public participation in the policy process, a carefully structured regulatory strategy, role of media and NGO ,rule of law all correlated with outperformance over time.
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