Thursday 6 February 2020

Oceanic Acidification an environmental crisis

Oceanic Acidification issue :--

Define,  cause, consequences and measures of issue of oceanic acidification??

Oceanic acidification means Ocean is becoming acidic due to global increase in carbondioxide emissions. Or it means the pH value of oceanic water is decreasing or carbonates ions is decreases.

According to IPCC reports and other studies carbon di oxide emissions has been increased due to fossil fuel combustion after industrial revolution. Since, 1750 till today carbon dioxide level increased from 280 ppm to 410 ppm today. Per year 10 billion tonnes of Co2 is added into atmosphere by humans of this 25-30% get absorbed by oceans. More absorption of CO2 leads to changes in ocean chemistry and environment.

Increasing CO2 emissions means more absorption of carbon dioxide by oceans. Which leads to chemical reaction with sea water and formation of more hydrogen ions, this decreases the pH values and carbonate ions but increases biocarbonates ions into sea water.  After industrial revolution the pH values is reduced by 0.1unit from 8.2 to 8.1 .if the process of carbondioxide keep on increase as usal then pH value will fall more than 0.4 units. This drop appear slight even though, it can destroy the marine environment and harm to human health.

Adverse consequences of oceanic acidification are given below :--
1) Lower pH values leads to increase bicarbonates ions and decreased carbonate ions which means she'll formations, skeleton formation will be weak destroy carbonates secreating organisms such as molluscs, sea urchins, coral reefs, etc.
2) Coral reef ecosystem that support the 25% marine fish catch to society also affected due to coral bleaching and coral death accelerated by acidic sea waters.
3) midwater organism has to migrate to shallow waters to fetch their food in daytime while migrate to deep cold waters in night. This critical link between upper and deeper waters migration can affect societal fishing as predator attack is more at surface.
4) dead zone will expands further due to acidification and temperature rise in sea surface.
5) marine life adapted to new pH values is slow process which took place in millions of years but Now rate of acidification is very fast with in 100 years. So, species may not adapt to new conditions leads to mass extinctions. For examples 250 millions years ago massive volcanism emissions increases leads to mass extinction.
6) marine organism metabolic process is broken affecting the health, multiorgan failures, fails to reproduce,etc., 
7) Humans health and livelihood is at risk and vulnerable due to coral reef ecosystem destruction and dead zone expansion by reducing the food supply, income of developing countries coastal communities.

Measures :---

Solution to the problem of oceanic acidification can be develop by coordinated effort by all stakeholders from international to domestic level. First try to stabilised atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions , meeting the global and regional and national targets of CO2 reduction. Second, by declaring water bodies as marine biosphere reserves and protection measures to vulnerable coral ecosystem which is more treated.
Third of adoption coral and coastal ecosystem restoration programme.
Fourth,  reducing carbon footprints from production system to consumption system, companies to households, life style changes towards low energy consumption, educate people's and influencing government policies and programme towards zero carbon emissions.
Fifth, adaptations to coastal societies and communities by increasing their income, food, etc..

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